The Happy Egg co. has linked up with renowned British author and hen-keeper Catherine Alliott, to offer some ‘hen-tertainment’ to its flocks. Knowing that the human voice has a calming effect on hens, we have produced the first-ever Chick Lit novel written and recorded just for hens.

Inspired by the happy egg co.’s free-range surroundings, Falling for Clooney is a digital audiobook that follows the love life of Molly and her bid to catch the attention of the infamous — and devilishly handsome — rooster, Clooney. The story was written by renowned Catherine Alliott, who has penned more than sixteen tales of rural romance and sold over two million books nationwide.

Free Range eggs from the happy egg co. come from hens, or “Girls,” that are provided with daily access to at least four acres of pasture to roam, plenty of clean water and nutritional feed, and care from expert family farmers.

To learn about the ways we keep our hens happy here at the happy egg company check the website:

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